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Blog Post 10

 I could use data collection (survey) tools in my future career as a teacher by seeing the average of how my students do on assignments and tests. Considering I want to teach kindergarten it will not be as necessary to do this but it could be helpful for figuring out what might be easy or hard for the class as a whole. If I am looking at how many answers the students got right and wrong it could help me see if it was just an individual mistake or if I did not teach the material good enough if almost the whole class got it wrong. I could also use it to figure out if we need to review material or if we can go straight into the next lesson which can be helpful.  While reviewing my classmates blogs I found it interesting that we all had similar and different opinions on certain topics. It was not just one answer said in different ways but we all had different answers that gave new perspectives. We also are not all going into the same profession so that also gives perspectives on how people

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