Blog Post 2

  • Since technology became a big part in education I have always used MS Word so it is what I use most often. It is easy to navigate and is the most common thing to use in my opinion. It never gives me any problems so I feel like it is the most reliable to use for school. I have not had much experience with other platforms like Google Docs so I usually just go with Word. 

  •  I think that the collaborator standard is the most meaningful and helpful one out of all of them. The collaborator standard is basically where everybody helps everybody. It is a way for the teacher, colleagues, and students to come together and help each other learn and grow in the technology world. It is important for K-12 educators because it is a way to connect with their students and colleagues while still teaching and learning. It is a good way to learn about parts of technology you did not know about and teach others what you are skilled at. 

  • I do agree with the label "digital native." I think that in today's new generation and even part of mine it is very common for us to be better with technology than past generations because we were born into it. Being a digital native to me means that you are naturally good with technology because you were born in the part of the timeline where technology was a big part of everyday life. I have seen a difference in how I use technology and how educators use technology because they usually have a harder time figuring out how to use it rather than the students and usually ask the students for help with technology. In terms of technology and the difference between me and my future students I feel like they will know how to use it a little bit better than me. Technology is going to continue to evolve and with that the new students will too with what they know about technology. 

                                  "MS Word feature set" by Rob Enslin is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


  1. We have really similar relationships with MS Word (as I'm sure many people do). I really like Google Slides and I think it has some great uses but Word is much more familiar to me so I hardly use anything else. Additionally, I think the topic of educator fluency with technology is a really interesting one. On one hand, I think it's really important for teachers to be able to advise their students on safety procedures when browsing the internet. However, I have a lot of sympathy for teachers born in a "digital immigrant" generation because I know they're trying their best to adapt to a new style of teaching.

  2. Thats really awesome that you are comfortable with MS Word! That must make working on the Newsletter project much easier. I agree with you that the collaborator standard is very important because it is a way for the teachers to connect with the students and for teachers to get in touch with other educators. Its a great way to share what you know with others and to learn more to expand the classroom! I also agree with how you classify "digital native." I have noticed that there is a big difference between students today and the educators when it comes to technology. Most of my high school teachers needed the students to help them navigate websites and different platforms.

  3. We share the same connections with Microsoft Word. I primarily use Word since I feel it is much more comfortable to me. I also believe it's incredibly intriguing to talk about how tech-savvy educators are. I think it's crucial for teachers to be able to educate their kids on internet safety. If you were born during the period of history when technology played a significant role in daily life, you are considered to be a digital native, which implies you are adept at using it intuitively.


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