Blog Post 3

  •   Copy right is to give the original creator the right to either let people use and change their creations or not. Fair use is the ability to use another persons' creations without permission and it allows expression and opinion. In classrooms it used to protect your own work and instructions but also gives other teachers the ability to use it as well. Personally when I become a teacher if another teacher finds my own work helpful and something they think they can use in their classroom I would allow them to use. I would also want them to use it so I would probably not have any copyright on it and they would not have to ask permission to use it. 
  • There are a lot of technology implementation issues that have yet to have solutions to it. One of them is cyberbullying which I feel like is one of the most common and worst ones. A solution that I feel like could tremendously help this issue in at least a public setting is to have a certain system where anything that is offensive automatically gets taken down and the person would be temporarily blocked. Another issue is decreased productivity which I feel like can be resolved if we could block off certain websites and apps to where only school safe websites can be used during school hours. 
  • By working on the newsletter I learned different of MS word that I did not know how to use before. I could improve my newsletter in the future by maybe adding more graphics and making it a little bit more vibrant and fun. The skills that I learned doing the newsletter can help me in my future career because it gave me new ways to make assignments and announcements using MS word. It will be easier for me to use because I learned it earlier on than having to learn right before my career starts. 


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