Blog Post 9

  •  During Covid I did distance learning and then for Dual Enrollment I did distance learning by doing online classes only. I had a love/hate relationship with it because I could go at my own pace and the work load was not unbearable. The teacher's were lenient about when turning in assignments so I was not very stressed out. On the other hand I got distracted very easily and it was hard to ask questions because of certain office hours and then I sometimes did not feel comfortable asking questions. I think as a teacher something I can do to make distance learning a better experience is to make everyone feel super welcome and connect with my students even if it is over zoom or email.
  • OER's are resources that available for everyone and are usually something you find online. In order for it to be considered this it has to be free to use and can be edited. The website I found is which is a OER library. You can look up certain things and can even edit them free of charge which is why it is considered and OER.

     The powerpoint helped me get a better understanding of all the tools I could use in the Powerpoint app. It was hard trying to figure out some of the requirements for assignment 4 but learning those I think it would be very helpful for my future career. I liked all of the new resources I learned how to use and it was not very complicated after figuring out how to do it. I think this is a very useful resource to have for my future career and something I will most likely use. 


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